Academic Excellence

Academic Excellence

Within a happy and inclusive atmosphere, we encourage and support our girls to reach great successes across all academic, artistic and sporting endeavours.

We have specialist teachers in French, music and PE who foster a love of these subjects in children as young as three. As the girls get older they are taught increasingly by specialists in science, art, IT, maths and English. Our curriculum is broad, with connections being made across subjects such as music, geography, science, art, whether about mini beasts or the world’s deserts. Cavendish girls are enthusiastic, curious learners who thrive in this environment.

In addition to classroom-based learning we enjoy extensive time off-site, whether sports in Regent’s Park or the swimming baths, visits to the Wallace Collection to study Japanese art, making stop go animations and QR codes at the Camden Learning Centre or a healthy eating lesson in the local Wagamama. The whole of London’s rich offer is on our doorstep and we make the most of it with frequent educational visits.

In Year 3 girls begin to go on residential trips at home and abroad – climbing Snowdon, building rafts in teambuilding exercises, spending a week in France.

And we invite speakers (often our parents) to come into school to talk with the girls about their fascinating jobs or issues of interest such as AI, human rights, developments in medicine, cultural practices around the world and so on.

Truly our girls are exposed to and encouraged in a kaleidoscopic variety of engaging subjects that enhance their understanding of themselves, others, and the wider world.

We are so pleased that our daughter - and our whole family - is a part of The Cavendish School community.

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