History and Ethos
We have a long and proud tradition of educating girls in a warm and inclusive environment, relishing the wide variety of backgrounds represented by our pupils, parents and staff. Our supportive community values each child as an individual.
The Cavendish School was founded in 1875 and was named for its location in Cavendish Square in central London. The school moved to its current site in Camden in 1970, when it became a charitable trust.
Our founder was the remarkable American-born educator and visionary, Cornelia Connelly. At a time when much learning was done by rote, she spoke of ‘meeting the wants of the age’. She had in 1846 founded the Society of the Holy Child Jesus in Derby and embarked on a ministry of education among mill girls and poor children, setting up day and night schools as well as Sunday classes to accommodate young factory workers. She established teacher training colleges to spread her philosophy of education: that it was best achieved in a setting of trust and caring attention for each student.
Now without religious affiliation, the school has built on the vision and wisdom of its innovative founder. We pride ourselves on remaining at the forefront of what is very best in education today to help girls develop into knowledgeable, secure, collaborative and socially aware women.