ISI Reports

ISI Reports

In Summer term 2023 we welcomed a team of ISI inspectors who spent several days interviewing pupils and staff and checking our various processes in theory and practice.

We were delighted that they once again found our teaching and pastoral care to be excellent in every category. At that inspection they asked us to review our implementation of informal complaints; this review was completed and following a subsequent inspection in January 2024, the Progress Monitoring Inspection Report below was issued.

As well as the reports themselves you will see below some quotes which give a flavour of just how much the inspectors were able to see of what makes this school this such a wonderful place!

The school fully meets its aim to provide all pupils with opportunities to become resilient, curious, open-minded learners, who engage enthusiastically with the joy of learning.
ISI Report 2023
Pupils develop their own interests and talents to a high level through a range of extra-curricular opportunities which is extensive for the size of school. These include pottery, beginners’ Arabic, circus skills and music technology.
ISI Report 2023
Pupils develop excellent skills in mathematics. Well-planned and ambitious investigations support pupils in developing a strong understanding of numeracy. Problem-solving activities enable pupils to extend their mathematical thinking through the use of logic and prior knowledge to enhance their skills.
ISI Report 2023
Pupils’ social awareness and contribution to others, the school and the community are excellent. The school is highly successful in fulfilling its aim for pupils to go out into the wider world to make a difference to others.
ISI Report 2023
The Cavendish School Progress Monitoring Inspection Report 2024 ISI Educational Quality and Compliance Inspection Report 2023 ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report 2019 ISI Report 2016

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