Occasional Vacancies
Places are occasionally available for girls aged 5+ to join Years 1- 6 at The Cavendish School and we welcome enquiries.
For occasional vacancies, in keeping with our admissions process at the main points of entry in Nursery and Reception, there are no tests or exams. We ask to meet applicants for a Taster Day and to see their recent school reports. The Taster Day is an opportunity on a normal school day to meet classmates and make friends before joining. Staff will observe the visiting pupil during the day to be sure that she will settle well academically and socially with the existing cohort. If your daughter is unable to spend a day with us in London during term time, we would as an alternative arrange an informal online chat with a member of our teaching staff.
To enquire about an occasional place, please call or email.
You can complete your daughter’s registration form here.